Sunday, December 20, 2015

Caring for Truck Diesel Engines

Thinking of switching your gas engine to diesel engine? Consider these advantages:

Fuel Savings:

Most diesel engine fuel is 30% more efficient than gas powered engines. For example: on those old Volkswagen diesel engines, they average about 45-50 miles per gallon while newer models like TDIs can get over 60 mpg!

Engine Reliability:

Unlike most gas engines, diesel engines likes to run all the time. The engine life can last between 300-400k miles. The last current world record was made by MB (Benz) for two vehicles having 900k miles on the same original engine.

Gas engine emissions:

Emit less carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons over gas engines.

Less maintenance:

Diesel engine does not require "Tune Ups" because it does not have spark plugs which is a big plus in maintenance.All you need is to keep regular oil and filter, air filter change at scheduled interval.

When it comes to maintenance, how does diesel engine compare? Shown are some important highlights below:

1.) Unlike the gas engines, diesel engine has no electrical ignition parts like plugs, wires and moving part like distributor rotor which is subject to wear. These parts have a limited life and have to be changed on regular basis. Because of this, this is one chore we don’t have to worry about.

2.) Diesel engines run at higher compression pressure than gasoline engines. Where the highest compression for most high performance gasoline engines is close to 200 psi, diesel runs almost 3 times that pressure. As a consequence, more heat is generated putting extra demands on the engine cooling system. Study shows diesel engines usually fail 50% more on cooling related problems because it cannot stand prolong overheating. This is why the cooling system is a high maintenance issue.

Tips on basic diesel engine maintenance:

a.) Do you notice that when your gas engine overheats, you can stop it and rest the engine for a few minutes? Later you can re-start and the engine will be fine. If similar situation happens with your diesel engine, the engine is almost always damaged beyond repair. Knowing this tip can save you a lot of head ache when you owned a vehicle with diesel engine.

b.) On some diesel engines, the cooling system uses a coolant filter to control the acidity (or ph value) of the coolant. This filter ensures that the cylinder block does not have a build up of corrosive particles inside.

c.) One advantage of using a coolant filter in your diesel engine is that besides applying a coat of protective lining to the surface engine metals (like your engine block), it also has an active anti-foaming chemical agent that protects the liquid's surface tension and thus reducing the creation of coolant bubbles. Since this chemical agent depletes over time, the coolant filter must be replaced periodically.

3.) Gaskets on diesel on engines must be monitored closely since they are exposed to extreme operating conditions. If possible, all mounting bolts must be re-torqued at regular intervals to prevent leaks especially in the combustion mounting areas. This is also true for coolant hoses which can deteriorate quickly if not secured properly. A lot of this is also caused by engine vibrations which is common on diesel engines. Always replace a leaky gasket as a set. If one starts to leak, the rest is not far behind.

4.) Since diesel engines use a lot of air, greater attention is paid to the engine air filtration. A common practice among truckers is to install a tell-tale plastic indicator on the side of the air filter housing. The indicator changes color as soon as the engine filter element becomes dirty. Cooling this air is also critical especially if the engine is turbocharged. On some high end diesel engines they are fitted with after coolers to cool the air from turbo charger.

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